Saturday, December 04, 2021

What's In A Name - Personality Collection Eleven (2018)

Personality Collection Eleven was my second collection and was released in 2018. 

Producing this collection was a little less fraught than the first. Instead of trying to make thirty models in each colour, I scaled it back to ten of each. I switched from enamel to latex paint, which was easier to source, store, mix, spray, and clean. Since the viscose worked out so well with P10, I decided to stick with it and ditch the nylon completely. Lastly, I went with the closed-shell production method which meant the models were all glued together before painting, which made life so much easier. 

 Unlike the previous and subsequent collections, there was no naming theme for this one. 


Rip Rap is a flaxen chestnut Hunter with Bend-Or spots. These dark spots are most commonly found on chestnut horses and can range in size and contrast. It is not yet known exactly what causes these markings. Rip's name comes from the theme song from Come Dine With Me - there's a part where the music makes a kind of "rip rap" sound: do do do rip rap. Listen for it sometime.



Costly Colours is a black dun frame Arabian with frosted black mane and tail. Each model had different markings. Her name was inspired by a card game which played a role in the historical novel, Precious Bane by Mary Webb. I highly recommend giving it a read. 




Finally we have Orion, who was originally envisioned as a buckskin snowflake appaloosa, but I chickened out and went with a rabicano pattern instead. His constellation name would have made more sense if I had stuck with the appaloosa plan.

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